It Ain’t Over – WLS Films

“You have cancer.” These are the words that resonate throughout this narrative. The story follows the lives of two athletic high school teens, CHANCE LOGAN (football all-star) played by Anthony J. James (Bad Trip, Murder Comes to Town), and ALEXIS HAMILTON (track star) played by Sarah Girma (Greenleaf, The Resident), as they both are faced with their devastating diagnoses. The two find themselves consigned to the same rehabilitation/recovery center where they become fast friends.

Alexis wants nothing more than to graduate high school and become a nurse as her mother had been before her. We discover that her father, whose faith has been shaken because of Alexis’s mother’s death from breast cancer some years earlier, is unwilling to accept what appears to be the inevitable for his daughter. We also see the toll Chance’s diagnosis, the loss of his leg, and his future career as a pro athlete, take on his family.

A fraction of hope is injected into their lives through the care and concern of center volunteer GEORGE WALTERS, played by Dr. William Sheals. Though George’s methods are unorthodox, he has great faith and belief that both Chance and Alexis will be healed physically and spiritually and that everything will turn out as it should. George hasn’t shared with anyone his terminal and inoperable cancer diagnosis, still, he is determined to ensure that Chance and Alexis get the happy endings they deserve.

Alexis is allowed to have her senior prom in the facility, and Chance recovers enough to walk with his high school graduating class. “I’m supposed to be here,” are the words he tearfully delivers in his salutatorian speech, just as Mr. George succumbs to his disease.

It Ain’t Over is the 2nd collaboration between Director/Producer, Dr. William L. Sheals and Writer, Eric L. Ayala. The multi-award-winning Sunday Morning Rapture, their first project together, released in 2011, can still be seen on Amazon Prime Video.

Comedian, George Wallace, makes a cameo in the movie and brings his warmth and humor to the role of George Walters’s confidant and friend.

Also appearing in the film; is Grammy award nominee and award-winning gospel artist and pastor, Bishop Paul Morton.

“It’s a sad indictment when you come to the end of your life, and feel like you never lived.” – George Walters

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